Tots els personatges, situacions i noms d´aquest diari són ficticis i qualsevol semblança amb la realitat és, òbviament, pura coincidència.


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dissabte, 20 de febrer del 2010

... mmm...

Mum, dad, have you seen my post, today?
Mum: I don't have time for this!
Dad: Mmm... yes, I've seen it but I haven't turned my attention to it

divendres, 19 de febrer del 2010

modalitat, llançament de pollastre...

I must admit: among the many different ways to perform the chicken throwing...
Sasa choosed the most elegant one...

dimarts, 16 de febrer del 2010

divendres, 5 de febrer del 2010

sant josep, la verge maria i el minyonet...

Gal·la: Farem les maletes per anar a Talltendre
Milos: som el pare, la mare i el fillet
G: Sí, jo sóc la Verge Maria i tu Sant Josep i el nostre fillet, el minyonet, és la Talpeta.
M: Hem d'agafar cerveses per si vull beure
G: Però el nen Jesús no pot beure cervesa
M: Doncs agafarem suc per ell. Vigila, que el sento plorar.

Gal·la: We have to prepare the luggage to go to the house in the mountains
Milos: We are father, mother and a little son of ours.
G: Yes, I'm Virgin Mary and you are Saint Joseph and our son is the Mole.
M: We have to take some beer in case I want to drink
G: But small Jesus can't drink beer...
M: Ok, let's bring some juice for him. Wait, I hear him crying.

he sobreviscut...

Realment, pensava que aquest cop hi moriria ofegada.
I really thought this time I would drown in it.

dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2010


T'adones que has estat treballant massa i massa seguit quan no t'importa sortir a aparcar el cotxe al barri del costat i tornar a casa en metro... en pijama.

You realise you've been working too much and too long hours when you don't mind going to park the car out of your neighbourhood and coming back home by metro... wearing pajamas.